Getting Started
There are multiple routes you can take when getting started at Misfit Gym. The most important part is understanding that you need absolutely zero experience to start working out with our incredible community of people. Assuming you need to get "in shape" to get started is a big myth. It’s our job specifically to help you do that, and we promise it’s a lot more fun here than on your own. The easiest path to starting in our group CrossFit classes is to contact us and sign up for one of our beginner's courses that run every three weeks for nine sessions total, at which point you can start attending any and all group classes. If the AM and PM options we have do not work for you, it is always possible to get started via personal training. Last but not least is dropping in for any of our classes as your free trial. Not interested in CrossFit just yet? We offer boot camp, engine, cardio theatre, open gym, and Olympic weightlifting classes that require no CrossFit experience. A full schedule and class description list can be found here.

Programs and Membership Pricing
Unlimited Group Class Membership
Month to Month Membership: $189
1 Year Membership: $1950 *Paid in full* non-refundable
Couples Membership: $340 (same card, same household)
Punch Card: $250 (ten classes total)
CrossFit/Open Gym Single Class
Looking to Switch CrossFit Gyms? First Class: Free!
Drop-in: $30*
1 Week Drop In: $90*
Personal Training
$50/30 minutes
$75/45 minutes
$100/1 hr
*Drop-ins to Misfit Gym Portland must email info@misfitgymportland.com prior to dropping in. Please arrive 15 minutes early to the class you plan on attending to fill out the necessary paperwork and to receive a proper introduction to the coach and facility. Late drop-ins may be asked to wait until the next class.